
Master the numbers in Spanish

We understand learning Spanish can sometimes be something difficult to do, so let’s start this journey with basic Spanish. This article will help you understand how to use numbers and exceptions. Once you master numbers you will be able to ask for prices, dates, ages, and you won’t be getting awkward looks when using them anymore. Remember you can always start your process with Spanish learning games.

Spanish numbers logic

Numbers are something very logical, but when it comes to language, this could be a bit confusing.
So pay attention to this: The numbers in Spanish are different from one to ten, after this, there is a way of combining the numbers to get bigger quantities.

Numbers in Spanish from 1 to 100

Usually the first numbers in Spanish will go this way (You might find them written differently, but it really does not affect the pronunciation):

1 uno 11 once 21 veintiuno
2 dos 12 doce 22 veintidos
3 tres 13 trece 30 treinta
4 cuatro 14 catorce 40 cuarenta
5 cinco 15 quince 50 cincuenta
6 seis 16 dieciseis 60 sesenta
7 siete 17 diecisiete 70 Setenta
8 ocho 18 dieciocho 80 ochenta
9 nueve 19 diecinueve 90 noventa
10 diez 20 veinte 100 cien

Exceptions with numbers in Spanish

Once you already know these numbers, the rest are very simple (if you practice regularly of course). For the hundreds you should just write ¨cientos¨ after the quantity you want to express, for instance: Doscientos (200), Trescientos (300), Cuatrocientos (400).

🔴Just remember there are some exceptions to this rule, PAY ATTENTION, because 500, 700 and 900 are special.

These numbers will not apply to the rule of just writing «cientos» after the quantity. If this were the case, they would be written like this ❌: Cincocientos (500), sietecientos (700) and nuevecientos (900) not correct. Now, let’s see the RIGHT way to go with these numbers ✅: Quinicientos (500), setecientos (700) and novecientos (900). So pay attention when saying or hearing these numbers. As we’ve said, Spanish language could get pretty tricky, but all you have to do is to step back and practice more.

For those looking to learn Spanish from ZERO, check our courses and join our community!

If you are interested in listening these numbers (and the rest of them), you can always listen to our CAD PODCAST for FREE. Also, watch the video we did for you with the Spanish numbers from 1 to 20, you can find it below 👇

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