Mexican Spanish online with natives

How can I speak Spanish? What’s the trick behind it? Learning a new language can be a bit tricky if you don’t take it seriously. Although Spanish language is pretty straight forward to pronounce, it can get a bit tough with some of the sounds… not to mention the vast vocabulary it possess (among other things).

Moreover… trying to learn Spanish online seems like a lot of effort, Isn’t it? Lots of distractions in our personal and professional environment. Our Spanish classes are thought for these types of situations, not feeling stressed out because you have class.

Listen, we get you, we’ve been teaching professionals since 2016. Stress is your worst enemy when it comes to learning something new. Learning Spanish online can be fun, interesting and simple.

However, we’re here for you, to prove this, here’s an article where we introduce you Spanish learning games. Either you decide to study Spanish by Yourself or with our Spanish classes in CAD, we want to be part of your success. Here are the options we got for you:

Spanish online for beginners

The course "Spanish for beginners" was created with the goal in mind of doing Spanish classes practical. If you're not sure whether you are still a beginner or not, DO NOT WORRY, a CAD Guide will make sure you don't waste any time.

Intermediate Spanish online

If you’ve had Spanish classes before, or you’ve been exposed to the Spanish language for a while, you might be ready to take it to the next step. Our program is tailored, so we’ll be working on specific skills.

Advanced Spanish online

Do you feel ready to have conversations with natives and cultural aspects of Mexico and Spanish speaking countries? This might be the right option for you, let’s not waste any time and get your program started.

Do you prefer Spanish online or on-site Spanish?

Spanish classes online

Learn Spanish Online with Spanish native speakers. Wherever you are, from the comfort of you home (or at the office), you'll become a CAD Member. This means you'll get access to all of the material we got for you. Why do you want to learn Spanish? You'll go on vacation? You'll live in a Spanish speaking country? That's where we start, let's get practical with your Spanish course.

Spanish classes in Tijuana

Learn Spanish in Tijuana with native CAD Guides. This is the perfect chance to know about Mexican culture and learn Spanish in a fun and interesting way. The CAD Method adapts to your interests. Do you know how you learn best? If not, come and find out in CAD, if you do know, it will be a lot easier for you to learn Spanish. Take your Spanish classes with a cup of coffee.

Fill in the form below to enroll TODAY

    Spanish online allows you to be COMFORABLE

    One of the best things about learning Spanish online is that you can be wherever you want. This is a critical aspect to take into account, since comfort is key for your learning process.

    Spanish online saves you TIME

    Taking an online course gives you a great advantage, since you'll save a lot of time. Instead of moving physically to school and getting through the traffic, you just turn on your laptop.

    Spanish online is FLEXIBLE

    Here's another positive aspect of learning online. In fact this is our favorite, because online you have lots of visuals and exercises at the tip of your fingers. It makes the process engaging.

    Spanish classes - intensive program

    The Spanish classes intensive program is a program we created because of the need of some of our CAD Members. Mostly requested by professionals in the need of a certification, work related or traveling to Spanish speaking countries.

    If you feel like an intensive schedule might be the best option for you, fill the following form. Just remember that this mode will require more energy and commitment from you.

      Spanish school online

      We opened our doors back in 2017 in Tijuana, Baja California, in one of the most recognized borders. The first course we offered was English, 2 months later, we started japanese, sign language, business, among others.

      After 4-5 months in, Spanish became a thing in CAD (Centro de Aprendizaje y Desarrollo). People came from California asking for Spanish classes, then people from Europe and finally Asia

      In 2018 we began offering Spanish online as a way of taking the Mexican experience around the globe. We prefer people to come visit Tijuana,  however, we know sometimes that’s not possible.

      Free spanish classes online

      If you’d like to know more about us, check out our Youtube channel, there you’ll find lots of content in Spanish (so you can practice your hearing skills). Also, here are 3 tips to learn Spanish.

      Remember that our main goal is for you to get a closer look to our culture. So, your opinion is essential to create more content, subscribe to not miss a single video.

      Spanish course online (Level 1)

      Do you know the platform Udemy? Well… we created a basic Spanish course where you can start learning Spanish from ZERO.

      • You’ll start off fortifying basic topics like ABC. The goal is for you to get familiarized with the sounds in Spanish.
      • You’ll master the numbers (how to pronounce and write them).
      • You’ll learn how to greet naturally in a formal context.
      • You’ll learn everything you need to know about pronouns. This will help you get your Spanish game to a natural level. For example, Which proper situations should you use the pronoun «Usted»?
      • You’ll learn How to introduce Yourself from SCRATCH.
      • You’ll learn how to tell/ask for time.
      • You’ll learn how to read in Spanish. We’ll practice with you some new sounds you’ll be needing.
      • You’ll learn how to structure your Dailly Routine. In other words, about Reflexive Verbs.

      Learn Spanish online for free

      If you scrolled this far (with the hope of learning Spanish) let me congratulate you. It’s common for us in CAD to see people from the US in Tijuana, Mexico wanting to learn Spanish. However, not everybody is interested on learning this beautiful language.

      I’ll be brief… The Spanish language may open doorways to multiple opportunities in Mexico, Spain and other Spanish speaking countries. There’s a quote that says «Learn a new language and get a new soul», from a Spanish speaking native, I can guarantee you that you won’t regret learning it. Also, it’s amazing to discover the cultural aspect of the language.

      Now, What’s up with this course? First of all, this is a FREE SPANISH COURSE, you can’t go wrong from there. Second, if you want to, you can ask for a certificate which you can link to your LinkedIn profile (but that’s an extra).

      And finally, if you like the culture and the language, you can get a follow up with one of our Spanish CAD Guides (you already saw the options we got for you).

      «Give your mind a chance to travel through foreign languages«

      – Neil Simon

      Spanish lessons online with natives

      Now, if you’re not feeling the course we just introduced you. Start with us, right now… the Mexican way.

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